
the unvisited break your heart until it opens love
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Break Your Heart Until It Opens

We are very much afraid of falling in love again. Because we were hurt before. We become stiff as a rock. Not dropping our guards next time. Someone came in our life and crushed our heart mercilessly. Our feelings and emotions had no value. All we were left with was tears and pain inflicting memories….

14 Rumi Quotes That Speaks Of The True Essence Of Love
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14 Rumi Quotes That Speaks Of The True Essence Of Love

Love is experienced and expressed in countless forms and flavors. Rumi, a 13th century mystical Persian poet, speaks of the different colours of love through his timeless poetry. He lives on through the beautiful magic he weaves in his poems. Rumi’s work highlights the form of love which is unbounded by a definite shape, a…