
All-you-have-to-do-is-write-one-true-sentence.-Write-the-truest-sentence-that-you-know.-Ernest-Hemingway Quotes
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12 Ernest Hemingway Quotes That Are Pure Gems

After Ernest Hemingway, the history of American literature was never the same. A nobel laureate, Ernest Hemingway had a signature style of writing – simple and spare. Profound writing with no extravagant use of elaborate and fancy words and language. His style and work inspired readers as well as many later-generations of writers. Here is…

john green best quotes the unvisited
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16 Mesmerizing John Green Quotes To Make You Fall In Love With Words

There are very few writers in the world whose words can make you smile, cry, fall in love and break your heart all at once. John Green is one such rare soul. The author of the bestselling novel “The Fault In Our Stars”. His words have the magic of hitting you right at the spot…