Poet Quotes

blog cover atticus atticus love romantic girl writings Quotes The Unvisited quote poetry poet writer couple instagram
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18 Best Atticus Poems For The Hopelessly Romantic In You

Poetry is the art of saying a lot using very few words. If you use Instagram and happen to like poetry, chances are that you’ve heard the name Atticus. The poet without a face. In this day and age of degeneracy where social media is used as a tool for attention-grabbing, a select few like…

All-you-have-to-do-is-write-one-true-sentence.-Write-the-truest-sentence-that-you-know.-Ernest-Hemingway Quotes
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12 Ernest Hemingway Quotes That Are Pure Gems

After Ernest Hemingway, the history of American literature was never the same. A nobel laureate, Ernest Hemingway had a signature style of writing – simple and spare. Profound writing with no extravagant use of elaborate and fancy words and language. His style and work inspired readers as well as many later-generations of writers. Here is…

18 Trippy Haruki Murakami Quotes To Take You On A Journey Within
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18 Trippy Haruki Murakami Quotes To Take You On A Journey Within

Life is a circus, and, in the midst of all the chaos and confusion hits the occasional dose of clarity, when it all seems to blend together seamlessly. You see a picture, you go to a new place, or you read a few words, and out of nowhere, you get this “Aha!” moment. As if…

Mahmoud Darwish Quotes Romantic The unvisited love poet poem couple sad romance quote (1)
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10 Timeless Quotes by Palestinian Poet – Mahmoud Darwish On Life And Love

Mahmoud Darwish, a soulful, contemporary poet captivates us with his unconventional thoughts on love and life. Darwish creates his timeless poetry on various subjects with a deft and thought-provoking choice of words. Regarded as the Palestinian national poet, Mahmoud Darwish has won numerous awards for his works. Here we have put together a collection of…