Book Quotes

All-you-have-to-do-is-write-one-true-sentence.-Write-the-truest-sentence-that-you-know.-Ernest-Hemingway Quotes
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12 Ernest Hemingway Quotes That Are Pure Gems

After Ernest Hemingway, the history of American literature was never the same. A nobel laureate, Ernest Hemingway had a signature style of writing – simple and spare. Profound writing with no extravagant use of elaborate and fancy words and language. His style and work inspired readers as well as many later-generations of writers. Here is…

18 Trippy Haruki Murakami Quotes To Take You On A Journey Within
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18 Trippy Haruki Murakami Quotes To Take You On A Journey Within

Life is a circus, and, in the midst of all the chaos and confusion hits the occasional dose of clarity, when it all seems to blend together seamlessly. You see a picture, you go to a new place, or you read a few words, and out of nowhere, you get this “Aha!” moment. As if…

Mahmoud Darwish Quotes Romantic The unvisited love poet poem couple sad romance quote (1)
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10 Timeless Quotes by Palestinian Poet – Mahmoud Darwish On Life And Love

Mahmoud Darwish, a soulful, contemporary poet captivates us with his unconventional thoughts on love and life. Darwish creates his timeless poetry on various subjects with a deft and thought-provoking choice of words. Regarded as the Palestinian national poet, Mahmoud Darwish has won numerous awards for his works. Here we have put together a collection of…

the unvisited beau taplin quotes love poetry heartbreak sad featured-min
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15 Intense Quotes That Explain Love, Life And Heartbreak By Beau Taplin

Oscar Wilde once said “To live is a rare thing. Most people just exist.” Beau Taplin is one of those rare souls who dare to live. To experience life in all its rawness and capture the essence of his experiences beautifully through words and poetry. Very few souls have the ability to express so much through…