Oscar Wilde once said “To live is a rare thing. Most people just exist.” Beau Taplin is one of those rare souls who dare to live. To experience life in all its rawness and capture the essence of his experiences beautifully through words and poetry.
Very few souls have the ability to express so much through a few powerful, chosen words. A songwriter turned instagram poet, Beau shares his gems of wisdom through beautifully woven proses. It won’t be an overstatement to say that his words have the power to start a revolution in your heart.
#1. A memory can be a marvellous getaway, but you must never make a home there.
#2. Settle your heart, child, your time will come. One of these days you will meet eyes with someone who makes you feel so at home in the world you will think to yourself, Ah, there you are.
#3. It’s a frightening thought, that in one fraction of a moment you can fall in the kind of love that takes a lifetime to get over.
#4. Kiss me until I forget how terrified I am of everything wrong with my life.
#5. Be careful. There are people out there who will look at your love only as a place to put their pain.
#6. One day, whether you are 14, 28 or 65, you will stumble upon someone who will start a fire in you that cannot die. However, the saddest, most awful truth you will ever come to find is they are not always with whom we spend our lives.
#7. Human beings are made of water-we were not designed to hold ourselves together rather run freely like oceans like rivers.
#8. I want to fall to sleep with you, and I could care less whether it is in layers upon layers of clothing or only our skin-all I really want is to wake up not knowing where I end and you begin.
#9. I learned much too late that what you called love was nothing but a desperate and irrational fear of a life lived alone.
#10. A relationship should not be measured in months or years. It’s the calibre of the memories that matter. Their impact, their permanence, and the degree to which they change you. I’ve had relationships lasting years I can now scarcely recollect, and hours with others that feel like infinities.
#11. Hearts aren’t handcuffs and people aren’t prisons. When you feel it’s time for you to leave, you leave. You neither need to wait to be released, nor ask for permission.
#12. True intimacy is more than fooling around with somebody you’re attracted to. I want to share myself with somebody who will press her hands through the surface of my skin, curl herself up inside my soul and say, Here, this is who I am.
#13. It’s you. It’s been you for as long as I can remember. Everyone else has just been another failed attempt at perfecting the art of pretending the art of pretending you’re not. I miss you.
#14. I plant roots so deeply in the people I love that I always lose a piece of myself when they go.
#15. Listen, a rebound isn’t the answer. The solution to a broken heart isn’t finding something else to heal the wound, but falling back in love with your solitary self. It is relearning how to enjoy the company of your thoughts, and trust in your capability to navigate a life on your own.
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